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A Christmas gift

After an almost two weeks-break, a new post is here for the interested readers. It's my first time writing a short story but I wanted to share it with you. Your feedback is essential whether you want me or not to continue writing short stories. So, this is my very first novel, someone could say. Enjoy! It was about nine o'clock when Harry knocked the door.-I'm coming, Juliet said. She was wearing a nice dress for this special occasion as it was Christmas and she wanted to impress her fiance. Harry entered the small but quite modern apartment. He could listen to the radio where Frank Sinatra was giving the best of him; -You better watch out, you better no cry, you better not pout, I'm telling you why! Santa Claus is coming to town! -Merry Christmas! You look gorgeous! -Thanks! Merry Christmas to you too! They kissed and then took a seat on the sofa. After this, it was time for the couple to drink a glass of wine that Harry had brought with him. Everything was in perfecti

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